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Common Mistakes to Avoid During Asphalt Paving in Lexington

Jan 13, 2023

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Asphalt Paving in Lexington

Asphalt paving is a big job are require a level of skill to perform correctly. There are a few common mistakes people make when attempting DIY asphalt paving. Avoid these mistakes, and you'll be on your way to a smooth, lasting driveway or parking lot in Lexington Kentucky.

Mistake #1: Paving during cold weather

When cold weather hits, it can be a big temptation to take advantage of any break in the cold by laying down asphalt. After all, what could go wrong with cold-weather paving? Unfortunately, cold weather paving is doomed for failure. By lowering the temperature of the environment, cold air puts added strain on binding materials and makes pavement more brittle once cold temperatures return--which means more chances for cracking and deterioration. To keep your pavement safe during the cold months, plan ahead and always wait until warmer weather arrives before beginning any paving project. It's not worth the risk. Call today to get on the schedule for this upcoming paving season!

Mistake #2: Not preparing the base before paving

Attention to the asphalt paving's base is crucial for a successful project. If you jump into paving or resurfacing without considering the integrity of the base, it could cause costly long-term damage that is easily avoided. The asphalt surface must remain level and even for the blacktop to be correctly laid down and perform long-term. Preparing a solid foundation before pouring your asphalt will ensure longevity for your driveway, parking lot, basketball court, or tennis court. Make sure your asphalt contractor thoroughly investigates the base, so there are no surprises when you go to lay your asphalt!

Mistake #3: Applying too much or too little asphalt

It's important to understand that applying too much or too little asphalt when paving a road, driveway, or parking lot can create problems down the line. Too much asphalt, and you end up with an unnecessarily thick paving job that wastes your time and resources. If you lay too little asphalt, the surface may be weak and will begin to show signs of wear and damage earlier than expected. The key is ensuring each paving job is done right, which is when you get when you hire a professional Lexington paving contractor. A professional paving company will be able to calculate the appropriate amount of asphalt to give you the strength and durability your project requires without overdoing it. Taking the extra time to measure and consider will almost always pay off in the end!

Mistake #4: Not compacting the asphalt

One common mistake that people make when installing DIY asphalt is not compacting it properly. Several issues can arise without compacting the asphalt, such as cracking or erosion around the edges, creating unsightly, costly repairs. To ensure your asphalt pavement is smooth and long-lasting, carefully following the proper process for installation and taking the time to compact the asphalt thoroughly will make a difference in the longevity of your project. Don't let improper compaction ruin a driveway or parking lot.

Mistake #5: Failing to sealcoat the asphalt

As a property owner, asphalt sealcoat should always be at the top of your list when it comes to asphalt maintenance. Neglecting this critical step could lead to costly repairs down the road. Sealcoating your asphalt is an excellent way to prevent damage, extend your pavement's lifespan, and make sure it looks great! You'll also be able to save on costly asphalt repairs in the long run. 

DIY Asphalt paving is tricky and often will not save you any money. Professional paving companies in Lexington are trained and experienced in laying asphalt the right way to ensure your paving project turns out great! But if you decide to attempt DIY paving, take the time to ensure that you're avoiding these common mistakes, so your asphalt project has a higher likelihood of success. Spend the necessary time and resources on your project, from planning to installation, and lay down the best foundation for a beautiful, long-lasting asphalt surface. 

Professional Asphalt Paving Lexington Kentucky

To guarantee the job gets done right the first time around, contact a reliable and experienced professional like Lexington Paving Services! We specialize in both residential and commercial paving projects and are committed to delivering high-quality services at reasonable prices. Don't let common asphalt pitfalls leave you with an inferior result–leave it in our hands and know that you'll get a professional finish that will stand the test of time.

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